Author Topic: FLOOD and Insult many players .  (Read 7693 times)

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Re: FLOOD and Insult many players .
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2017, 05:55:42 PM »
and for TOME thank you sir for doing this to me. You really are a GOOD PERSON! FLOOD INSULT MANY PLAYERS? PLS can u screenshot first who MAKE the FLOOD INSULT FIRST? if its me? or SURVEYTEST? if u are decent person? KNOW first before act sir okay? I will not do that flooding if that Kiddo minded player Surveytest not Flood me first! he can Pm me had a conversation with me all whatever he want but he flood first! and that hurts me. so i do the same! i have my reasons
I am very very sorry for saying i still dont trust this server cuz it is still 4 months OLD. But please understand me i  also have feelings. I am human i can analyze whatever i want. i have choices. Respect my decision.
Thank you for the Screenshot MR. Perfect 13thHeaven full OF AIR! in the sky! dont get mad when someone call u  ugly okay if its not true! you just pissed me first for that EBB! humiliating me. But i dont want to cause any more troubles so i ignore it! SAY what u say sir make story all u want if that makes you happy or More richer cuz u are! and im happy for yoU!

will check my Fb whos more decent for what you think! Ronie Bill Aro ( eco ) judge me what ever you want but dont try do something bad, my Parents are lawyers dont make some foolish act! cuz i can find you wherever you are!

and for SURVEYTESt your last conversation to me when i logged off made me sick and stressed you saying That ""me should never BORN to this World that my parents should kill me when i was a CHILD cuz im silly,POOR, crazy? OMG! i never expect that coming so RUDE! but thanks to that! i know now what kind of players here playing! Maybe u need to GO to school again sir. TO HAVE proper VALUES and GOOD MORAL! our president i think offers scholarship! but thanks to that.. thats all i can say! but I am so grateful still! this kind of people made me realize something more into life.. ^_^
:g20: :g20: