Tantra K¹³ KALA WARS
- All players present in KRUMA can join
- Start Date: August 9, 2017
- End Date: September 8, 2017
- Schedule: Monday-Wednesdays-Fridays-Saturday-Sunday
- Time: 9:30 - 10:00 pm 30 min duration
- point system/accumulation.
- All Kalas activated will be counted.
- The event have 1 hour duration, the god with the most number of kalas activated will win the day.
- Point system: player who activated the kalas in a God that wins Gets 2points. Normal 1 point for every kala activated.
- Example: LeLouch in Vishnu activated kala 3x in the event (have announcement)
Lelouch = 3x in Vishnu; Igneel = 2x in Brahma; Coigneto = 1x in Shiva
SANCHO = 1x in Shiva; GiLOK = 2x in Vishnu; AshuraJr = 1x in Brahma
When the event finished = Kala points is = Brahma 3, Vishnu = 1, Shiva = 4
So Shiva wins the Kala war Battle.
Point system will give:
Sancho = 1 x 2pts = 2pts
Coignito = 1 x 2pts = 2pts; All the shivans who activated the kala will get “x2” double to the points.
In Vishnu: Lelouch = 3pts; Gilok = 2pts.
In Brahma: ; Igneel = 2pts ; AshuraJr = 1pt.
If Kala points give: = Brahma 1, Vishnu = 4, Shiva = 0
In Vishnu: Lelouch = 3pts x2 ; Gilok = 2pts x2
The rest will be normal points.
Per game in kala war: Winning God will receive 100m Ruphia + 50 pcs White Rose.
If player activated kala 2x = same prize 100m Ruphia + 50 pcs White Rose.
If Brahma Kala points Wins, All Brahman who activated the kala will receive the prize at the end of the war.
Top 1: 15k taney + 10 pcs bedante + 2 PCS UTA SAMPAD
Top 2: 10k taney + 5pcs bedante + 1 PC UTA SAMPAD
Top 3: 5k Taney + 2pcs bedante
Consolation Prize:
Top 4-6: 5 pcs bedante.