Author Topic: Tantra K¹³ Evolution: Patch update 10/29/2017  (Read 3800 times)

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Offline ••• GM Igneel •••

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Tantra K¹³ Evolution: Patch update 10/29/2017
« on: October 30, 2017, 12:55:26 AM »
Patch Update Oct. 29, 2017

**NPC SARANU: New Crafting:
 Item : Datu Red sets (Mauraba, Sazita,etc..)
Armor part (normal red) - Drops in naga dungeon
+ Dark Armor part
+ Dark Crystal
+ 500m
+ 3 pcs Bina Crystal (Drop in Meghamalin - shambala Dungeon II)

**Mages: Staff speed decreased to 1.
- Special helm/Datu red mage helm = + 300 Attack Success

**fixed: parban+ duration
**TRAMA skill = party buff additional 5% powerstrike

**naga Village ruphia drop increased to 50k

**GOD SKILLS REVAMP (descriptions not yet updated)
Visatamba = change to: Additional HP increase
Level 1: 500 increase
level 2: 800 increase
level 3: 1500 increase

Hupasatka skill - Description: Increase all Chakra
level 1-3: + 10 all chakra, 30 All Chakra, 45 All Chakra

Yainrat skill - increase damage absorb
level 1: 10% (max)

Skill effect: increase evasion rate
+100 avoid , +200 avoid, level 3: +300 avoid

Note: If any of the following update is bug/no effect, please open ticket :) We will fix it.

 :garuda: :deva: :asura: :rakshasa: :gandharva: :kimnara: :naga: :yaksa:

Good game

Offline ••• GM Igneel •••

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Re: Tantra K¹³ Evolution: Patch update 10/29/2017
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 02:13:19 AM »

Offline ••• GM Igneel •••

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Re: Tantra K¹³ Evolution: Patch update 10/29/2017
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2017, 02:48:05 PM »
For players who experienced error in the new patch update, please download here:

Item number 9.